Thanks to:
All the people that have used the site over the years
All the clubs, promoters and DJ's that have put me guestlists, given me free drinks and back stage passes.
All those who have helped me with technical queries about the site.
TNT Magazine for 'Dales Diary'
and of course...
All the good people I've met at clubs over the years
All the good people on newsgroup
Big thanks to:
Adam & Les (Lab-4), Allen TG (Torture Garden), Chris Liberator, Dave & Nadya (Logic), Eamonn & Wayne (Fevah), Eliana Iwasa (Groove Patrol, Brazil), Jon Bell, Stevie B & Nadia (Tinrib/Fish), Kirk Field (TNT/Radical Escapes), Max (Alien Trax), Oberon, Rave Patrol (Sao Paulo, Brazil), Shoko F (Viva, Tokyo, Japan), Tim (Escape from Samsara), Yoji Biomehanika (Hellhouse Recs/Viva, Osaka, Japan) for various favours given way beyond anything I can reciprocate.
All my friends (You know who you are)